The GAMification and Education for Secure Software (GAMESS) is a project funded by the Ministry of Education that aims at developing gamified teaching materials for cybersecurity for both unskilled and technically skilled professionals. For the unskilled user of digital products, we aim at presenting the best security practices and raise their awareness on the security of the products they use. For the technical skilled, we aim to further their understanding of best security-by-design practices, thereby promoting IT security in the development of a new generation of digital products.

The teaching material will be designed using a gamification approach. The educational material will be complemented by Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges and scenarios that simulate real-world cybersecurity situations, allowing participants to actively engage in solving problems, identifying vulnerabilities, and applying defensive strategies, thereby fostering a practical and interactive learning experience.

Jacopo Mauro
Jacopo Mauro

My research interests include AI, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity and Optimization.